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So I was in Florida all last week my mom fed the fish. I kept it simple for her use the docs eco eggs. I showed her how and she did four drops once a day. No frozen food at all and maintained top off. I hooked up the skimmer to a 5 gallon bucket this was the first time I ever did that worked out well actually. So I come back and cyano is just raging on the sand bed and rocks. Before I left I was out of phosphorus reagents I only had the six that came with the checker. While I was in Florida I was tying to pick the brains of the stores down there. They all said photo period is too long I was at a ramp up and down of 12 hours plus the lunar cycle which varies. Ok first thing a whole new lightning schedule started Monday morning 8 hours total and considerably less intense(1st change). Went to corner reef Monday afternoon and had them test water. Nitrates 5ppm phosphates .31 actually not surprising but now I can deal with those. I came gone hit the tank with LC next day .052 didn't mean for that to happen. Wednesday water change day about 27 gallons. Later that night phosphates .015. Thursday no test but dosed LC about 4 drops. Friday morning tested .07 hit with 5 more drops. So between new photoperiod, siphon out the sand bed Tuesday night after cyano was the strongest, waterchange big, phosphates trying to manage and still crazy amount of cyano. What gives??? Oh yeah I bought red cyano rx Monday too but thought I could do this without going that route. I almost said screw it im doing it but thought I could get some help here.tank 5 months old now. So frustrating the cyano that dies off at night adds phosphates probably only to fuel them when the lights come on. Before I left. Cut my feeding back every three days and reef roids 1 per week and no change. I am buying a tds meter next time at the store maybe that is the problem. Filters were new with tank. It is supposed to be peaceful to view the tank but I see this ugliess just flowing around and approaching corals now too. I know some say no big deal but to me it is