STN -- how long to wait to start again?


Active member

I had only a few acros in my tank. They all ended up getting STN. How long should I wait to let the STN bacteria (vibrio???) or whatever the 'bug' is to cycle out of the system (if that is even possible)? Or just how long overall should I wait to try an acro again?

I have had acros die a few months ago for a spell after doing very well. I believe that was due to high temps. None STN'd. They simply slowly 'bleached' /died.

Thank you :)
Your first mistake is thinking there is some specific bacteria that caused it... Corals stn for many reasons..

There is no fixed time for "sps readiness"..
Just ensure you are capable of keeping all parameters stable and after that try again..
I have found STN to be more a function of water chemistry than bugs (though I am sure the latter can be the cause in some cased). Versus RTN that seems generally to be a reaction to collection/transportation stress. I used to immediately frag healthy sections of a colony to 'isolate' STN, but now generally don't bother. If I fix the underlying cause, the colony almost always recovers. If I don't fix the underlying cause it does not recover.