stn on half coral, up and down


Active member
What do you guys do when one of your corals has STN on half of the coral?

I know if it was just the base or tip, you just cut it off. However what do you do when it is half the coral vertically?

I thought about gluing the half that was stn, what do you guys do? I was on vacation and had an alk spike and some of my acros took a hit (mostly the maricultured ones)
I will monitor will the ATM stop, if not than will just frag it out to safe the balance

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I will monitor will the ATM stop, if not than will just frag it out to safe the balance

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I cant frag it, how are you suppose to cut a coral in half vertically? At least I have never tried that and not sure how that would go.

Update out of the three I glued one RTNed in about 3 hours. The other two are doing fine as of now and showed good PE this morning during lights off when I shined in with a flashlight
Unless you use drimmer , otherwise, just try frag those stn area or good area.

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