stock a 90 corner


New member
okay, let me first state that i have several tanks, and have plans for a 3000 gal pond with acryllic covers planned for the basement, so the tang and angel police need not apply.
if a fish can only live in this sized tank for a few months before having to move to one of my other tanks, which includes a 140 that is fine.
i am getting an all glass 90 corner RR aquarium and am going to transfer my 5" longhorn cowfish and my 4" volitan lion into it
what are some suggestions you all have for tankmates tha twould be cool, and could eventually live in the pond with these fish, and the rest listed on my profile?
no smowflake morays :hammer:
Seems the basic theme is high bioload and low swimroom (logical for a 90 corner tank). Soooo...

Have you thought about something oddball (seems to be your thing by your sig) like a walking bat? I don't know what you have planned for aquascaping but it doesn't sound like the two other fish listed would pick on him.

If you don't mind the price tag how about a polleni grouper? Per they don't get bigger than a foot and are fairly sedentary.

If you are doing deep substrate that opens up stuff like garden eels and pearly jaws. If they are not careful they might end up volitan food though....

You could always take a whack at a pair of Moorish Idol's...usual caveat's apply but you seem more than up to it.

A green wolf eel could be something different if you wanted to dabble in eels...