stocking fish


Premium Member
i was wondering... when you stock a tank, instead of putting a large fish, for instance a blue tang, could you put in several smaller fish? would the bioload be the same? how do you determine the limit of how many fish you can have in a tank with corals and inverts?
it depends on the size of the fish. yes you can put more small fish in a tank then bigger ones. the rule of thumb is every gal per 2" of fish. so if you have a 20 gal.. you can keep 10" of fish in it total.
4- 1.5" fish.
1- 4" fish
2- 4" fish
1- 2" fish...

get the idea
That's a general rule of thumb, but depending on the amount and quality of your water purification methods...good skimmer, regular water changes, etc. you can keep more or less.
how bout we ask this: what size tank, and what are you looking at?

in say, a 100 gallon tank, you can have either one tang, two 'medium' fish like dwarf angels, and a couple of small fish

or a school of, say: 5 flasher wrasses, a dwarf angel, and a half dozen other 'small' fish.