stocking order


New member
I am starting a 65 gal FOWLR tank and will use a 10 gal QT tank. My stocking list includes some of the following: blue/green chromis, A. Ocellaris, royal gramma, coral beauty, heniochus, 6 line wrasse, maybe a goby.
Questions :
1. What is the best order to introduce the fish to minimize aggression
2. Owmany fish and in what groupings should I keep in the quarantine tank before moving them to the main tank.

I would get them in whatever order you can find quality, healthy specimins. I would QT all of them, one at a time for the larger fish and maybe 2-3 at a time for the chromis.

Make sure that your tank is cycled before you start. It will be easier on your tank if you add 1 fish a month - buy it, QT it for a month, add it to the tank and then go and get another one. Don't go too fast. :)