Hi I have a 30 gallon reef with live rock 15KG and a 1-2 inch layer of sand.
The tank has cycled and i have had a tibicen dwarf angel and a watchman goby.
I also have cleanershrimps, camel shrimps, some mshrooms, starpolyps.
Lighting is 4x36 watt pc 50/50 actinic daylight.
All relevant parameters read zero I dose with calcium and a buffer every day and weekly with strontium.
I would like to know what people think would be a good fish to finish off with
perhaps a bta and a couple of tomato clowns, a hawkfish or maybe a dwarf angler fish?
Something unusual and striking, but not too delicate hard to acclimate and not a jumper as the tank is open top
thanks for any advice
The tank has cycled and i have had a tibicen dwarf angel and a watchman goby.
I also have cleanershrimps, camel shrimps, some mshrooms, starpolyps.
Lighting is 4x36 watt pc 50/50 actinic daylight.
All relevant parameters read zero I dose with calcium and a buffer every day and weekly with strontium.
I would like to know what people think would be a good fish to finish off with
perhaps a bta and a couple of tomato clowns, a hawkfish or maybe a dwarf angler fish?
Something unusual and striking, but not too delicate hard to acclimate and not a jumper as the tank is open top
thanks for any advice