Strange, Firm White Spot on Ricordea


New member
I have a green ricordea polyp that opens nicely and seems perfectly fine except for this strange white spot. The white spot looks slightly oblong, is a little smaller than a grain of rice, appears firm, and looks almost like it has a clear, plastic fin sticking out of it.

I took a picture of the polyp right after turning on the lights so that the spot could be seen.


This is what the polyp looks like pretty much every day after the lights turn on.


Should I be concerned about this spot? I didn't notice it until maybe a month ago. I don't believe it was there when I purchased the polyp but it is possible.
This is just a guess but I bet it's a piece of the rock that the Ric's foot is attached to or has grown around.
As the coral grows larger the piece will become less and less visible.
Again, I've never seen this on a Ric, this is just a guess.
Plus, you said the Ric is doing fine, It shouldn't be a concern unless it wasn't behaving properly.
Sounds plausible, thanks for the response. I guess it isn't anything to worry about. I have an orange ricordea (that looks perfectly fine) deciding not to inflate. Corals are strange things.