Strange PH question


In Memoriam
Ok I got a new pinpoint. My PH alway on the cheap test 8.2. Well when I got my Pinpoint both my tank coming in at 8.0 during the day. I raised one of my tanks slowly so it is around 8.3 at its peak and drops to about 8.0 at night evern with sump light.

My other tank is a issue. I got it up to about 8.27 yesterday and know mid day it is 8.03. What should I do does it take a while of adding things to get the PH to adjust?
The Ph of a tank depends on a lot of factors. There's no simple answer to your question other than to suggest you read some of Randy Holmes articles on Ph. Amount of plant life, alkalinity, lighting periods and schedule, and calcium all affect your Ph.

Basically, you need a good understanding of what's happening before you get a feeling for why your Ph is high, what is high for your tank and why there are large swings.

The basic suggestion is to relax and not add anything until you feel comfortable in your own understanding. It does take time for a systems PH to stabilize
Low or high, it is still dependant on a lot of factors. Go to the chemistry forum and start reading Randy's articles.