Strange pink coralline (very rare in tanks) - what is it?


Premium Member
I have this stuff in one place in my tank. In all my years of keeping reefs and looking at them, I never saw it before. It is some sort of coralline I believe, and it doesn't grow hardly at all (as in an inch over a year or so). What is it?

It is hard overall, but if you scrape it with your fingernail, the little hairs break off and crumble easily. I could destroy the entire mass with little effort, but I don't want to.
I had some of that on some of my Fiji rock back in about 98-99, was pretty neat. It never got out of control, just kind of grew laterally, if you know what I mean. It never got long, just spread out.
Definatly coraline looks alot like the coraline found growing in temperate rock pool well at least the ones I have seen in england.
Obviously a different species but defo coraline
beautiful as well
WorldNation, I don't have enough to sell it. It would never make it anyway. If it grew well, it'd spread faster than a inch or so a year. It only grows in my tank in a single area about 2"x2". That area has very low current and relatively low light (but I have a very bright tank overall).

Matt, it does feel like a brillo pad. Did yours live for long?
ReefDream, I have a few tiny bits of purple branching coralline, similar to what you have. Only my pieces are much smaller than what you're showing here.