Strange RTN occurance


New member
Hi all,

Several of my acros RTN'd and what could have caused it? Here is what happened.

I fragged several pieces of corals with no issues. I then proceeded to frag wild colony of acropora, which was fine. I come back several hours later to find that my wild colony began to RTN. Not sure why it would do that, I moved it into slightly higher flow thinking it may need higher flow since it is a wild colony and I just fragged it. I come back to check it the next morning before work and the whole colony RTN'd including the 2 frags. Not only that the 3 other wild acro's (not fragged) next to it RTN'd as well.

My other corals are fine, including the maricultured and tank raised ones in my tank (even the ones next to the wild colonies, fragged as well).

Can this RTN seriously be passed onto other acros? Why does RTN occur? I read that it is a bacterial problem, but to have it RTN from a location in which I didn't frag it seemed odd to me. I've fragged things before over the years without this occuring.

Is that bacteria still in my water? I did a 10% water change already, should I do more to get ride of the bacteria that is causing it?
