Stream 6000 in 40 gal sps tank

I have seen it done in a 58- 36 by 18 by 21. You may have problems with the sand bed and frankly I think with a good return pump pushing about 300gph and a 7200/2 and a single controller you will get the flow you desire with less potential problems.
Our smallest Stream is stronger than the ReefTec but the 6000 can be turned down through electronic controls to a flow that would actually be less. My guestimate is a PE-1 does about 1400gph.

What intervals does the unit "pulse" at? Can the Stream 6000 go from 100% for 30 seconds and say 30% for 30 seconds and back to 100%?

The idea behind the pulse is to produce waves so the interval is set by the user from 1 sec to 7 sec.

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