stream blow some bubles

Obviously I'm not Roger, but there's probably nothing wrong with your pump. In my experience it means your Stream is too close to the surface and is occassionally sucking air down in a little vortex from the surface. It doesn't happen all the time, but will be somewhat frequent with your stream to high up. Lower the stream down the mounting bracket a little.
Try as Kelly said, if that doesn't work, if the cooling port is clogged a vacuum can degas the water inside the pump and cause small bursts of bubbles. If you ever used an old Vortex Diatom you know how this happens when the filter gets clogged. The prinicpal is the same, I think it is Boyles Law that says gas solubility is dependent on temperature and pressure.
Have also recently noticed my 6000 blowing bubbles.

Are instructions for cleaning the clogged "cooling port" in the instruction manual?


In the center of the magnet their is a hole. The cooling water comes in under the prop, you will notice a small notch turbine on the plastic shaft base and that is next to a hole. The water goes in and down through the base plate and out through the four ntches where it comes up around the magnet. If this hole is clogged or the upper bearing piece is dirty a high vacuum can form inside. The best way to clean it is to strip the drive unit down to just the magnetic rotor and they have brush sets they sell for handguns and they also sell similar sets for paint sprayers, they have metal ram rods with small serations and that is what I use folloed by a brush. These brush setd can be found at a sporting good store or paint shop and they sell for $10- $20.
Thanks Roger.

Handguns are pretty much illegal in Canada, so I'll check out my favourite paint shop :)
