stream shaft came loose and fell out


I guess the pic and the title pretty much says it all.

I noticed one of my stream 105s wast working and after fiddling with the power and stuff I pulled it out. The shaft had come loose completely.

Looks like its not a quick easy fix though. This one need to get sent in?

sorry for the terrible phone pics but this is what happened


Yes, send it in, sometimes this repairable, sometimes we have to replace the motor. Just include a note with your return address and phone number.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Hi there

I got the stream back yesterday. Thanks a ton for the outstanding service. Seems to be working just like new but I am noticing a clicking or more of a hammering sound every time it turns on. Sounds like the impeller is shooting back and hitting the inside of the shaft well every time the controller cycles it on.

Any ideas on that one
It could need an additional disk if it is being used in wavemode, it will click when turned on and off for the reason you describe and may need to be shimmed a little so their is less space for the magnet to move back and forth. I will mail one to you.