Streams on a 36x18x21 (58 gal)?


Super Housemonkey!
Mr Vitko,
I'm in the process of setting up a 58 gallon Oceanic mixed reef tank. The dimensions are 36Lx18Wx21H. I have already been planning on going bare bottom w/ the tank and wanted higher flow rates w/ some lower flow areas. I have seen Tunze streams on a bigger tank and the flow was impressive to say the least. I had assumed after seeing them in action that they would be too powerful to use on such a small tank. I plan on keeping some anemones and maybe a few LPS and clams, but the tank will predominantly be SPS. Do you think that I could use 2 or more streams in a set up like I described? That would prevent some drilling.
Thanks for your time,
I am babysitting a friends tank this weekend that is a 58 with 1 6000 Stream on a single controller. The return is an Eheim 1060. It is really a nice tank and honestly I couldn't see having more flow. As it is there are few positions lending themselves to LPS and clams but if your focus is SPS it will work very well.
I'm curious, according to the website, the 6000's dont have a speed control, but the other models do. How much can you throttle them back?
It sounds like for this tank you're kinda gently trying to steer me away from them based on my desire to keep some lower flow requiring inhabitants in tank as well. Are the streams just incapable of throttling back to levels I'd need? PLease understand, I'm merely trying to explore all possibilities before I reach a point of committment. I had essentially thought that the streams were going to be too powerful for my set up before talking w/ anyone about I'm trying to backtrack and get confirmation one way or another. I've already decided I will be using the streams on a larger aquarium I will be setting up in a few years, so its not a dislike of your product that would prevent me from using them on this tank, merely the fact that they have been engineered for larger set ups.
The diagram which has been attached is what I would like to do w/ the Streams. If you feel this is too much flow, please let me know. If however you feel that this is workable even w/ the list of inhabitants I'm wanting to keep in here please tell me which Stream models you feel would work best.
Thanks again for all your help and your swift reply to my original post.
Sorry, for some reason the image is compacted up and the writing isnt really legible...hitting f-11 on your keyboard will maximize the image and allow you to read the text.
Obviously I'm not a computer genius....sigh,
6000 and 6100 are controllable- I don't know which website you refer to as the Tunze site doesn't yet have the 6000 and 6060 listed yet. It is the 6060 and 6080 that CANNOT be controlled. I am not suggesting against them- only that one is plenty. A 6000 can produce between 600 and 1800gph. Keep in mind that with a 2" outlet the flow at 600gph is nearly imperceptible- there is hardly any pressure.
Put one 6000 in that back corner and aim it across to the opposite front corner clearing out all the rock in the way of the flow- at least start here. If you put three Streams in a 58 you may be able to open a water park for people under 3' tall!
I'm definately interested in the 6000's if they can be dialed down to 600 gph. I was in error btw about the 6000's on the website. Late at night, not really reading, more like hallaucinating...basically I'm retarded...sigh. Just out of curiousity what is a ballpark figure on the 6000's and will there be a kit w/ controller for them? (and what would the ballpark be on those as well?)
Thanks again for taking the time to answer these questions. I can tell you that others on a another board I frequent ( ) are following this w/ interest as well. I realize this is a smaller application than the Streams were originally intended for, but to be able to run two of these on my tank would mean I wouldnt have to do as much drilling and would make things more reliable in my opinion.
Thanks again,
One Stream- OK! You must realize these things aren't exactly small and they produce a lot of flow. With a single controller set to pulse the turbulence and bounce back will be plenty of flow. Check MD or Champion or Premium aquatics for pricing- all should have the items in stock. You need Stream 6000 and single controller 7091.
Could you please tell me a little bit more about the pulse feature on these? I know its kinda self explanatory, but what I'm intersted in is the duration etc that can be programed. AlsoI guess the real reason I'm asking about using two in this tank is that I don't want to have a unidirectional flow in the tank. Do you feel that the pulse mode on a single 6000 Stream will allow for enough random-ness to prevent that?
Every 1-7 seconds the pump changes from a speed between 30%- 100% of power to another speed from 30% to 100% of power. This creates alot of turbulence and waves. All these adjustments are done by you with three knobs on the controller. The 6000's flow carries 4ft at full power so it bounce back at high power. It will be enough.