stryker 180G rebuild

LOL.......Terry, the Stand Up Comedian on RC :lol:

I think your idea of slow to medium grower is what most people would call fast and faster. I know cuz I've seen how "slow" your Red WM grows. When I get a chance to visit again, I might have to hit you up on a frag of that Space Invader, along with the PM :)

Sorry Kenny, all I have are lame one liners... forgive me. I guess growth rate is relative. To me, nothing can grow fast enough, especially the nice stuff! Let me know when you are gonna be in the area again.
The livestock looks awesome sitting there on the concrete and in the crappy holding tub! Can't wait to see what you come up with for the new setup!

Thanks prop-frags!

Here are some pics of an free standing arch structure ill be reusing, side view...


other side...


top down...

Terry that one rock is sick. Any broken frag is mine haha.

And here is why i ran out of room in the holding bin... My rocks are huge and have corals encrusted onto them that I didn't want to break off...

free standing overhang, front view...


side view...


back view...

Terry, how about an update. Has everything settled down after the move? Saw you were looking for 400s. Gonna make the switch? Man you already get good colors are you trying to light the sides?