Stuck Jager heater


Don't Ask Me I Don't Know
Hi Jeremy or Jason,
I bought a Eheim JAGER heater about a month ago from PA and just started to use it this weekend on a 3gal zoo growout tank. The Jager heater was replacing a Won Brothers, I moved the ProHeat to a container to make new SW. I set it to 77 degrees and went away for the day. Well when I came back the tank was at 86 degrees and the Jager was stuck on and I ended up losing all the zoos in the tank. :mad2: I know, my bad for not testing the new heater first.

How do I go about getting the heater replaced?

Thank you,
Sorry to hear about the issues with that and the animals you lost. Give us a call when you get a moment and we'll get it switched out for you.

Hey Jeremy,
I talk to you the other day about returning the heater. Just a reminder, if you could email me the UPS RA tag.

PM me when is a good time to reach you on the phone, I know you are busy with the new store. :)

Hi Jon,

I put the return label through, but for some reason it did not email over, I apologize. I will get it fixed today and have it sent again.

I did find the top off from AquaMedic as well, however I haven't been able to get a price or availability. I am waiting on a response from AM on that.

You are a busy man.

You are a busy man.

Hi Jeremy,
You are a busy man. I have been trying to get in touch with you about the top off but, you are always in the warehouse when I call. No worries. I couldn’t wait (going away for awhile) so I ordered one already. Thanks for trying though.

I’m on the wait list for the AC jr. and saw that you posted that they might be in soon. Can you tell me if these are the new black ones or the old blue ones? When they do ship can just put a new Jager heater on my bill and the UPS RA tag in shipping the box so I can return the defective one.
I have left my number with Sam.

Thank you,