Stuff for sidewalk sale Saturday


Reef Guru
Just curious if anyone would want any of this stuff at the sidewalk sale tomorrow. Not sure I want to load it all in the car if the weather is gonna be as nasty as they say. I am going there regardless since I need to buy some stuff. I can bring a few things for people to look at if you are interested let me know and I will bring it.

SeaSwirl 3/4" - less than one year old.
LifeReef External Overflow box with Aquasilencer and an extra U-tube
Koralia Wavemaker Controller and two Koralia 4 controllable powerheads and night-time light sensor
Koralia 4 regular powerhead
Ocean Runner 2500 return pump
Azoo 4-fan cooling unit

I have at my house but cannot bring due to the rain -
75g tank, stand and tall canopy with fans in both ends. Stand is painted black and the back of the tank is painted black.