Stupid filter question

do u mean the hilter socks? some people use it to reduce microbubles from getting back into the main tank and others use it to remove particles out of the water. Just have to make to change them out often so u dont have a build up inside them
they are definitely reusable. I would wash them with a little bleach and a lot of hot water. Make sure to rinse really good after washing them. There shouldnt be any smell of bleach on them. NO SOAP!!
I just take mine for a dip in r/o then scrub with a toothbrush or similar to losen up all the particles from the mesh. I don't like to risk something like bleach because of the liklihood of poisoning my system. If you do use bleach, as Abengochea said, rinse thougoughly and I would even take it a step further and air dry completely to make sure all chlorine bleach residue is gone.