Stupid Yellow Polyp Question


In Memoriam
I recently acquired a frag of yellow polyps and I was wondering if these will reproduce as fast as my eagle eyes. The reason I as this is because my eagle eyes are obviously a colony where as my yellow polyps are not joined in any way, but still inhabit the same rock.
I have had a yellow polyp rock for about 9 months now and have seen very few new polyps,even with direct feeding. My zoas do grow faster. or maybe its just me going crazy after counting each zoa everyday to see if they have grown:D Oh and im sure yellow polyps sting so if you dont know dont put zoas beside them.
Ehh, that is the case for almost all zoos. I figure I will frag them up and give them away when they get out of control. I have a little bit of room in there for them now anyyway. I am trying to cover a new piece of LR, so opefully these guys will carpet it for me.
Lol, they will carpet that rock alright... Might want to keep the rock not so close to the other rocks or they will carpet those too... :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7228557#post7228557 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CoralNutz
Lol, they will carpet that rock alright... Might want to keep the rock not so close to the other rocks or they will carpet those too... :lol:

That's so true. I think the one part about parazoanthus is that they can and will kill other corals rather quickly when they come in contact with them. Zoanthids aren't quite as aggressive and tend to keep a tight mat.

Just be careful with them and only give them to strangers and people you don't like.;)

Wow, I take it you don't like these guys at all! So they will or will not form a mat like zoos. They are pretty far from anything else in the tank.
Nah, I don't dislike them. It's kind of like Xenia, it's such a pretty coral, but it'll clog your tank in 6 months.
Except, parazoanthus can be so vile that certain strains of it can grow on Hydroids!
They normally grow very loosely and spread fast. Just be careful.

its not odd, because they arent' a zoanthid. I have mine coralled by some hydnophora, and it still is spreading out. i can't imagine it will make it past the hydn.
that was my thought, but the yellow polyps keep inching closer, now less than one inch away and still alive, though some are always closed up. i keep waiting for the hynd. to get ****ed and wipe a few inches of yellow polyps out. i won't mind at alll.
this started as a frag with about 7-8 yellow polyps

for reference, that's a maxi 900 in the upper right