Premium Member
Ok, I did something REALLY stupid and now I need advice.
My display tank had been doing really well. The fish were 2 clowns, red scooter, yashia goby and a high fin goby. All had been in the tank and healthy since April. Several weeks ago I bought a new fish and didn't QT it because I was in a hurry to go to Jackson. After putting it in the tank I left the house for several hours. When I came back I noticed the new fish had cloudy eyes, rapid breathing and tattered fins. I put the sick fish in another tank that night and it was dead the next morning. Fast forward a couple of weeks and my clowns had white spots, cloudy eyes, rapid breathing and sluggishness. First of this week the clowns started improving and now they still have spots but are active, eating well and acting normally. My scooter on the other hand seemed ok until yesterday but declined rapidly and died today. I'm pretty sure it is ick and I know how I should treat it. The problem is there is no way to get the gobies out of the tank short of a complete tear down. At this point the gobies dont seem to be showing any symptoms and the clowns are improving. If I leave things as is and the remaining fish survive what are the implications as far as adding other fish in the future?
My display tank had been doing really well. The fish were 2 clowns, red scooter, yashia goby and a high fin goby. All had been in the tank and healthy since April. Several weeks ago I bought a new fish and didn't QT it because I was in a hurry to go to Jackson. After putting it in the tank I left the house for several hours. When I came back I noticed the new fish had cloudy eyes, rapid breathing and tattered fins. I put the sick fish in another tank that night and it was dead the next morning. Fast forward a couple of weeks and my clowns had white spots, cloudy eyes, rapid breathing and sluggishness. First of this week the clowns started improving and now they still have spots but are active, eating well and acting normally. My scooter on the other hand seemed ok until yesterday but declined rapidly and died today. I'm pretty sure it is ick and I know how I should treat it. The problem is there is no way to get the gobies out of the tank short of a complete tear down. At this point the gobies dont seem to be showing any symptoms and the clowns are improving. If I leave things as is and the remaining fish survive what are the implications as far as adding other fish in the future?