My Specs:
Tank:30 g oceanic cube with a 5 gallon sump
Filtration: live rock (30lbs) and live sand. I use an AquaC Urchin as my skimmer
Lighting: 175W MH w/ 20K bulb (13 hours a day)
Flow: Return = Mag 5, Closed Loop = Mag 5
Paras: Cal = 470, kH = 12, temp = 78, salinity = 1.025
Adds: Kent Marine Trace, Coral Accel, Seachem Reefbuilder and others, only use RO/DI water
I've been wanting to add a Stylo for awhile now, but have little experience with SPS (only monti's) and wanted to see if anyone has some advice or personal exp. with the species they could share before I buy one
Tank:30 g oceanic cube with a 5 gallon sump
Filtration: live rock (30lbs) and live sand. I use an AquaC Urchin as my skimmer
Lighting: 175W MH w/ 20K bulb (13 hours a day)
Flow: Return = Mag 5, Closed Loop = Mag 5
Paras: Cal = 470, kH = 12, temp = 78, salinity = 1.025
Adds: Kent Marine Trace, Coral Accel, Seachem Reefbuilder and others, only use RO/DI water
I've been wanting to add a Stylo for awhile now, but have little experience with SPS (only monti's) and wanted to see if anyone has some advice or personal exp. with the species they could share before I buy one