

In Memoriam
How much flow should these be in? i have an ORA stylo that just took a dive and the only thing that i have done is added anohter powerhead and flow and wanted to know if they are sensitive to that.
this is my first loss in the tank ( not through my own stupidity) so i just wanted to make sure its not something i might have done.
Hopefully is not directly across the flow pattern-I mean really close. Besides that hopefully-alk/cal/mag are all in place.
Ray, Sorry to hear about your coral, Stylos aren't really fuzzy corals IMO but I have seen so many corals that just take a dip for no apparent reason that sometimes it is hard to determined with any doubts what exactly killed them.
If the stylo is the only coral you've lost after all this time, you must be doing something right so unless you continue loosing more corals I wouldn't worry too much.
yeah everything is in place and its the first one in my new setup to go
Alk is 12dkh
mag is 1500
cal is 500
no detectable phos or nitrate
I was just thinking that you told me you had recently tuned up your Skimmer, this could possibly be what upset your coral, I have seen corals get upset with small changes in the water chemistry good or bad.
yeah im going to also check the salinity. the skimmer has overskimmed a few times but since the AQ hasnt gone off i figure its okay. I also did a water change on sat but if the salt would have been bad i figure i would have more than one coral going bad.
another thing to look into is if your tank has really low nutrients, running those numbers could burn alot of your sps.