Premium Member
OK, I got the hole drilled. Scary:strange: I started the drill slow but found out real quick that wasn't the way to go. The diamond bit would have danced all over the tank. Full speed and light pressure. Let the drill do the work. I combined both GlassHoles how to video along with Utube's Limpet video to get me through this. I marked the hole with a sharpie, made a reservoir of putty and filled it with water. I placed duct tape on the inside of the hole and also placed Styrofoam on the bottom of the tank to cushion the falling glass. The glass never fell. The duct tape held the drilled piece. As soon as the drill starts it creates a whirlpool and you lose sight of your sharpie marker. I was afraid to stop the drill to add more water, but it was either that or risk having a hot diamond bit and maybe cracking the tank. It was no big deal as after the water was added, I just inserted the drill bit into the half drilled hole and went back to drilling full speed. Did I mention the noise? If scratching your nails on a chalk board bothers you then have someone drill the tank for you :lol: I'll bring the overflow kit on Sunday. It's pretty cool. The elbow coming out of the bulkhead has a hole drilled in it and a 1/2" tube inserted. Glass Holes says it is both a siphon break and it keeps the drain quiet. Is it Sunday yet? :bounce1: