Yesterday I suffered the sudden loss of a Yellow Tang, this coming a couple of months after the loss of a Banggai Cardinal.
Although both in separate tanks, the symptoms were identical in each instance.
Seemingly fine, eating well and swimming unhindered through the water, both succommed rapidly to some kind of dehabilitating condition. Showing no obvious external symptoms, in each case the fish rested on rocks/sand bed, dying within hours of the onset.
Both fish had been housed in their respective tanks for some months and in each case the rest of the inhabitants (fish and inverts) have remained unaffected, with water params indicating no adverse conditions.
I appreciate that is probably hard to provide a reasoning as to their deaths, but if anyone can provide me with any pointers on a possible cause, I would greatly appreciate it!
I currently don't have a UV filter on my system, but am now considering it? I'm thinking that perhaps the relativley small investment would be worth it...
Thanks in advance for any of your help!
Yesterday I suffered the sudden loss of a Yellow Tang, this coming a couple of months after the loss of a Banggai Cardinal.
Although both in separate tanks, the symptoms were identical in each instance.
Seemingly fine, eating well and swimming unhindered through the water, both succommed rapidly to some kind of dehabilitating condition. Showing no obvious external symptoms, in each case the fish rested on rocks/sand bed, dying within hours of the onset.
Both fish had been housed in their respective tanks for some months and in each case the rest of the inhabitants (fish and inverts) have remained unaffected, with water params indicating no adverse conditions.
I appreciate that is probably hard to provide a reasoning as to their deaths, but if anyone can provide me with any pointers on a possible cause, I would greatly appreciate it!
I currently don't have a UV filter on my system, but am now considering it? I'm thinking that perhaps the relativley small investment would be worth it...
Thanks in advance for any of your help!