New member
Yesterday i noticed none of my purple shrooms were open. it was water change day anyway so i did an extra large one and hoped that would fix it. (after WC all params. tested fine) Today most of the shrooms (there were at least 3 dozen) appear to be gone and those that are left are closed. All other corals and the fish look awesome.(they like X-tra lagre WC's) Has this ever happened to anyone before? If so, do you know why? This also happened to my zoos (about 1 year ago) and the tank is now almost all LPS (soon to be 100% LPS if the shrooms die) Do you think the LPS may have killed all my softies off? This is so weird because the shrooms were my very first coral (they hitch-hiked in on my LR) and they've grown out of control for years. Just last week i scraped 6 off the glass and traded them to the LFS!! I suppose if i had to choose 1 coral to die they would probably be my choice (they were kinda takin up half the tank and growin out control) but i still don't want them too. this has been a particularly bad day for both my tanks, i lost one of my seahorses today too.