Suggestions for SPS "food and nutrition"


New member
I'm new to SPS, however have had a reef tank for 2 years. I've had great successes with lps and fish thus far. Parameters as follows:

Sal - 1.025
Temp 78-79
Cal - 440
Alk - 8.0
Mag - 1440
Nitrates and phosphates undetectable
Trying to raise nitrates feeding more and added 3 more
Fish. No gfo or carbon

Lighting is ATI with kessils.

So looking for nutrition to boost growth and such. I have no problems with color and have PE just not HUGE PE. Just short

Have two mp40 on a 150gal

Thanks friends!

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Have you tried dosing potassium nitrate? Moving the nitrates from 0 to 5 did wonders in my tank, feeding more won't get you where you want to be since it adds a lot of phosphates and not enough nitrates. I use pohls Xtra special too, sticks seem to like it.
Have you tried dosing potassium nitrate? Moving the nitrates from 0 to 5 did wonders in my tank, feeding more won't get you where you want to be since it adds a lot of phosphates and not enough nitrates. I use pohls Xtra special too, sticks seem to like it.

I have not. Any recommendations?

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I have not. Any recommendations?

I use reagent grade KNO3 from Etsy and dissolve 5 ounces in a liter bottle of RO water. I think it's around 9-10ml to raise the nitrates 1ppm in my 90 gallon, keeping it between 5-10 makes my sticks look great and keeps the phosphates down too. The first week or two you'll be dosing pretty often like multiple times a day, after that you only need once a week or so.