
To quote Dr. Evil....."How about NO" j/k I'm not a big snowflake eel person, they are so the yellow tang of the eel world.

Since you are seemingly new to the hobby if you really like them then go for it. In the end the tank should make you happy. As long as you can responsibly house/feed everything that you plan to keep in the tank go with what you like. Just research the snot out of it first.

To answer your question verbatim...what would I do with it?

Probably a FO (w' base rock), probably a black or yellow belly dogface (may need to upgrade later), dwarf angel like a lemonpeel, FuManChu lion, or a purple tang.

Let us know some favorite species and we can help you work out the kinks/possibilities....
what type of fish have perked your interest? angels, tangs, puffers, triggers, eels, anthias, butterflies, wrasses?
what about color?
are you planning to upgrade to a larger tank in the future or will this be the fishes permanant home?
is there one fish you have seen that you absolutely cannot live without? if so what is it?
i can steer you in the direction of a really cool setup, but first i need to know a little about YOUR taste before i put my 2 cents in.