

New member
This forum has been pretty dead lately and I know everyone has thier favorite fish so I am asking for suggestions.

I am cycling my 30g breeder right now, it is set up as a reef 4 bulb T5 icecap setup with a 660 ballast, drilled overflow to sump, and a closedloop on it. What fish do you suggest? Schools of something? Gobies?

I am also setting up a regular 30g with 2 Icecap T5's over it. I am thinking about making it a mantis tank, but if anyone has suggestions on a nice "fish only" fish I may reconsider that.

Thanks a lot.

It has been pretty quiet in here huh? make a peep I will suggest a geometric pygmy pixie hawk. It stays very small and is actually a perchlet that does a very good job of looking like a hawkfish.

Also...a little common, but i'm a fan of purple firefish.
Hey Chris I heard you shouldn't keep a mantis in a glass tank. Acrylic they wouldn't break, but with glass your just waiting for it. Probably will never happen, but why take the risk. 30g of salt water on a second floor apartment....

I'm also looking into mantis after seeing Ike in the cube video. You've seen that right?
Fragmented: Thanks, I think I shall do that.

SerranidTerror: I will check into that. And yeah I like firefish too...Exotic Aquatics has 3 of them and they all look really nice.

Gordonious: Only the "smasher" kind can do that not the "spearers". Also Only the fully grown mantis can crack the glass. the ones I have seen for sale around here have a good 5 or 6 molts to go before they gain any size to them. Any suggestions.
Hum... that makes perfect sense. I actually don't remember ever seeing a mantis for sale. I remember seeing one while out in the field last year after doing a trawl. I'm glad I wasn't as crazy as some of the guys who sort through things with their bare hands.

BTW just incase you haven't heard don't buy a catalina goby, lol. Seems both me and Phill's gf bought one from just fish just recently.

I think firefish are cool, just wish they were a schooling fish in reef tanks.

I don't have much else to suggest and IT SEEMS NOT TO MANY PEOPLE ARE TALKING ANY MORE! [(WAKE UP)] lol
I second the schooling wish with firefish. Although I must say there has been some sucess with pairs. And if you have a monster tank you could keep a bunch...but I dont think they would school all the time, besides if I had big tank i'd try my hand at keeping a school of tilefish :D

And Mantis shrimps are crazy. I've seen one about 10 inches long. That was one scary animal!

Gordo...I'll give you a mission. If you want. I once heard that mantis shrimp have the best eyes in all the animal kingdom. Apparently they can differeniate between something like 20000 colors as well. Its a been a while since I've heard that factoid...but I hate not having literature to back such things.

If you have fun at that I think the other thing I need to find is the animal with the fastest muscle twitch. I believe it is the oyster toadfish with its muscle that causes vibrations on the swim bladder to make noise? I don't know..we should have a race for info here at Delreef club! :mixed:
I believe That's correct, Gordonious, Catalina gobies do not survive well at our normal high 78-82 degree Reef tank temperatures. they are a colder reef fish. the waters around the Catalina Islands off the south central coast of California are cold. like in the 55-68 degree range. they don't survive well in warmer tank water. they are pretty, and bright red striped though and real tempting. but they are not suitable for reef tanks. they only live on the reefs around the catalina islands. and that is it. so cooler waters are their normal habitat. wild collection has been banned for many years, but they are apparently easy enough to breed in captivity. thus there are always some on the market from time to time. but you need a colder tank sytem for them to survive.