sump depth


New member
I am trying to decide what size tank to use for a sump on my 75 I am building and I need to know if a 20 long which is a 13 inch deep tank would do ? I also have a 29 gallon which is an 18 inch depth. I am sure the 18 inch depth would be the best but with my cabinet having only a 20 inch depth in over half of it (due to half drawers) I was thinking the 18 inch would push it too tight. I want to know if the 13 inch depth would work at all or would I be inviting problems with water movement and such.
20 long may be too small and you would never get your equipment in and out of the 29. I'd see if you could find a 30 long (that is what I use on my 75). I use tall baffels (9in) for the skimmer (on the left side) and my refugium (on the right) and have my return pump in the middle. With that setup I could not go any smaller, I don't know what your plan is but I think a brand new 30 long would be around $40.
Hey Andy ...I have a friend that wants the 29 gallon when it is empty and she will buy me whatever size I need for the sump so as soon as I get her ok I will let you know if we want that one you have.
Thanks guys for your input...I was thinking right this time (almost)BJ
Which side do you want the overflow to be located on the tank? Left or right? I will get it drilled this weekend.