I am planning a sump remodel and will be switching to external pumps if all goes well. I have a 375g tank and sump volume will be around 100g. I am planning on using a dart for the returns, but i am debating on what pump/pumps to use for some other reactors and chiller I need to connect. I have never ran a dart so I am not familiar with the actual flow of these pumps.
I was wondering if anyone with experience can chime in on this. I have 4 returns to the tank which I was going to run with the dart. I need to hook up a MRC phosphate reactor, MRC calcium reator and a Deltec Eco-cooler(this will be a 20ft run with about 3ft of vertical lift and needs about 500gph flow rate). Could I run a second dart to the cooler, reactors and maybe 1 or 2 returns and use the other dart for the other 2 or 3 returns or will it be too much flow?
I was wondering if anyone with experience can chime in on this. I have 4 returns to the tank which I was going to run with the dart. I need to hook up a MRC phosphate reactor, MRC calcium reator and a Deltec Eco-cooler(this will be a 20ft run with about 3ft of vertical lift and needs about 500gph flow rate). Could I run a second dart to the cooler, reactors and maybe 1 or 2 returns and use the other dart for the other 2 or 3 returns or will it be too much flow?