Sunburst Anthias


New member
Just added a Fathead Sunburst Anthias to my tank. Beautiful fish. Right now it only eats Live Brine and Frozen Mysis on occasion. Won't look at pellets or frozen preparations. Just wondering if anyone has any tips or suggestions for keeping this fish. Fish looks super healthy and is growing more active as time goes by. Only had it for a little over a week. Was very shy the first few days, but now wanders around the tank more. Tends to stay low and in shady areas, but as I understand it, that is normal for this fish. Thanks in advance!
Well your doing everything right so far the last one I had was the same in the first couple weeks and eventually started eating pellets and frozen mycis instead of just live brine. I have leds so what I would do is towards the end of my light cycle I would dim them and leave them dimmed for like 20 minutes to make my sunburst a little more active and start swimming around more than I would feed.
Well your doing everything right so far the last one I had was the same in the first couple weeks and eventually started eating pellets and frozen mycis instead of just live brine. I have leds so what I would do is towards the end of my light cycle I would dim them and leave them dimmed for like 20 minutes to make my sunburst a little more active and start swimming around more than I would feed.

Thanks. The tank its currently in is not fully lit, that is, I don't have complete light coverage on it and there is a big rack full of my SPS frags. He usually hangs out in the dark corner or under the frag rack. I'll get some pics soon. Definitely looks like he's doing well. Just wanted to know if there was anything else I should do or know about their diet and requirements. Its a gorgeous fish!
I have mine for 5 yrs, eating every type of food their is.there behavior is just like you describe. (your doing fine)
Thanks. As promised, here are some pics. I did not adjust white balance, some quick shots. Colors a little off, but pretty close. He's always in the shade, so the colors don't "pop".

And my new Davinci clown I got from Miguel. Beautiful little fish. Paired with my black clown instantly. Miguel had more "extreme" Davinci's with more white, but IMHO too much is kinda weird. I really liked the extra black on the fins as well. Pattern is VERY symmetrical....

Perfect Davinci. I don't like them too white either. I have 2 Davinci's in my tank.

Thanks. Too much white looks too much like a mutant, LOL! To each their own. This one in particular, had a lot of black in the fins, and is almost perfectly symmetrical side to side. Not too much white on the dorsal area either. My other clown is a black plane jane occy, so I liked the extra black to play off momma! Miguel had a TON of beautiful Davincis and Gladiators, the 2 breeds I was interested in. His "Miami Whites" were nice, but way too X-men looking for my taste!:bigeyes:
So far eating decent. Fed a lot of PE mysis today, ate good. Not as good as my clowns, but definitely showing more gusto.
Him and his wife are really nice people. Their information has been posted in numerous threads. I could have spent all afternoon there. Their set-up is amazing! Not what I was expecting. His number is three 0 five 89871nine3. If you speak Spanish it helps, LOL! I felt like I was visiting my grandparents. His selection is ridiculous, and has a few new breeds he's developing. By far, his gladiators and davincis were my favorite. I went in there wanting a Picasso, much happier with what I came out with. GL!