Sunset Monti


New member
hi i was wondering if i coudl see some picture of hte sunset monti.. i have a chance to get a piece of it.. but i am not sure if it is the REAL thing or not=) the base is hte nice creamy orange and hte pollyps are green.. but it seems like hte pollyps are not as extended as they normally are in pictures i see.. is it possible that there is a sunset monti impersonator? any picture or comments would be awesome. thanks
I got a teeny tiny frag from atlantis and it looks just like that picture....
how rare do u think it is? and how would u compare its pollyp extension to that of other montis? like the rainbow or superman.. is it about the same extension wise? and what kind of flow/light do u have it in=) thanks guys GREAT pictures=PP
I am new to all this so I really don't know if it is rare, but the rate with which it grows I can't think it could be that rare, however I did pay a pretty penny for it and didn't really find anyone else other than atlantis sell it...
I do get good polyp extension though, probably the same as anyother monti I have..
what are you guys doing for yours---lighting, flow, etc? i got a frag and it lost most of its color--i think i put it too close to the lights too soon. the polyps are still extending and green, but it has lost the orange, and it isnt regaining color---its been a few weeks now
My sunset has more PE than the superman. And it looks just like the one in the pic.

I found it needs less light than the superman to color up.

They're both nice corals, but if I had to choose one, it'd be the superman.

The sunset seems to grow more quickly though, it encrusted to the rock I glued it to in about a week!