super moon tonight

Weather for Rochester tonight is predicted to be clear and calm so the moon should appear spectacular ;)

Full Super Moon on March 19, 2011: Astrologer Says Beware!
By Jill Stefko
Published Mar 18, 2011
Super moon is reminiscent of CCR's 1970s, hit song, Bad Moon Rising, because an astrologer said this phenomenon will cause natural disasters.

According to the Credence Clearwater Revival's 1970s' song, they saw a bad moon rising, earthquakes, lightning and malevolent weather. How many people have thought of their song when they learned about super moon, when it will be nearest to earth. The last time it was this close to earth was in March 8, 1993; the next time, in 2029. Astrologer Richard Nolle said that the moon is activating horrific natural disasters on earth.

Super Moon: A Natural Phenomenon
The moon has an elliptical orbit, which makes full moons differ in size. When the moon is at its perigee, closest to earth, it's approximately 31,000 miles closer to earth than when it's in apogee, it's farthest point. Geoff Chester, of the US Naval Observatory, calls Saturday's lunar phenomenon a super perigee moon. Perigee moons are about 14% larger and 30% brighter than apogee ones.

According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a perigee full moon causes high perigean tides. Lunar gravity at perigee creates tide waters to rise from a few to six inches higher than normal. Perigee moons don't cause natural disasters. No incidents were reported on the date of the last super moon.

Gary Becker, retired Dieruff High School, Allentown, Pennsylvania astronomy teacher, noted that the super moon will be 221,567 miles from earth. If people could put an image of a perigee moon beside an apogee one, the latter would be 1/15th of a degree smaller.

Super Moon: An Astrologer's Theory
Nolle has predicted that the phenomenon will cause natural disasters. He claims that the days of the super moon have been catastrophic and he has a list of disasters that happened on or near the lunar occurrence, including cyclones, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and hurricanes. Most scientists disagree, noting that many calamities have occurred at other times.

Nolle claims that the recent Japan tragic earthquake that hit the country on March 11, 2011 was caused by the moon's being too close to earth. Mila Mitra, Scientific Officer, Space Technology & Education Pvt. Ltd, said that the moon was nowhere near its closest point; it was nearer to its furthest one.

James Garvin, chief scientist, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, said that earth has stored a vast amount of internal energy within its outer layer and that the minor differences in lunar influences on tides aren't enough to surpass larger forces inside this planet.

Did Super Moon Cause the 1993 Blizzard?
This snowstorm, classified as a winter hurricane by some scientists, was dubbed "The Storm of the Century" by the media. Super moon occurred on March 8th, the storm, on March 12th to 14th. The most intense snowstorm of the century was a disaster for eastern Canada and the US, the Deep South, Tennessee and Ohio valleys, Appalachian Mountains, Washington DC and extended to Central America. It spawned tornadoes in Florida. Astrologers might say super moon caused the disaster; astronomers, that it didn't.

Full Moon Lore and Werewolves
Eighteenth century British jurist Sir William Blackstone wrote that a lunatic was one who lost his reason during the full moon, but was otherwise sane. In the 1800s, Charles Hyde claimed that the moon turned him into a lunatic during his murder trial in England. Police, medical professional and others report crime and accidents increase at the full moon. Modern scientific studies reveal a correlation.

Ancient Pagans and modern NeoPagans hold Esbats, festivals, on the night of the full moon to honor the Goddess. Spells of protective magick are cast and divination is performed. The Ides is when the full moon falls on the fifteenth of the month. There are rituals to cast out negativity. The Ides of March is associated with Julius Caesar who was assassinated on March 15, 44 BCE, hence, the soothsayer's ominous warning, to beware of the Ides.

Centuries ago, Europeans believed witches could transform themselves into wolves. Another belief was that lycanthropes were demons or the devil. Legends exist about witches arriving at Sabbats astride these beasts. Hollywood capitalized on the lore in a movie, The Wolf Man.

Super Moon: March 19, 2011
Scientists have said that the moon will be brighter and larger than it has been since 1993. The best time to see the moon is when it's near the horizon produces a magnificent illusion that's not understood by psychologists or astronomers. The moon appears to be abnormally large as it rises over land and water. This will further intensify the size of the super moon.

I plan on seeing super moon. I'll think about the last one in 1993, the blizzard and Blizzard Baby, my grandson Kevin, who was born on March 13, 1993, six weeks premature. I'll remember the days which I was stunned by seeing the awesome full moon rise over the Atlantic Ocean.

I believe other people, like myself, will scan the news to find out if any natural disasters happen on the 19th. The scientists appear to be right and tomorrow will tell.
full moons where I work usually mean a ton of deliveries. hate to see what a supermoon brings us. I'll be looking for it though.
omg hah gary thats funny that u put that picture up i was flipping threw the channels last night and landed on that one and was watching it. full moons bringing some odd events- maybe everyones corals will spawn all at once :)

View over my garage. I live in front of a forest and across the street from fields. It's very bright for being a full moon. Looks larger but not as much as the hype that was given for it. My friend has a telescope and says he can see things he hasn't seen before on the surface of the moon. I also feel a bit lighter tonight for some reason.:spin2: