Super Reef Octopus Skimmer Loud Motor Hum


Anyone else experience this with Super Reef Octopus using the HY-1000 bubble blaster?

Every time I turn on the skimmer after around 30 seconds it starts a loud hum noise / vibration. I can here throughout my apartment. Been using this skimmer for a couple of months the loud noise is driving me crazy.

See video below, noise starts to come in around the 30 second mark. Always wanted a reef octopus skimmer, now regretting the purchase.
Are you sure the noise is coming from the pump. Have you tried to put your hand on the cup lid to see if it is vibrating making the noise? I have seen this.
yes I've tried putting my hand on the cup lid as well as taking the cup off the skimmer, it doesn't change the loud noise.