Superglue safe? and diy surface skimmer? And nitrate?


New member
What super glue is reef safe? And can anyone show me a DIY surface skimmer? Also, my nitrate is high! and my algae is everywhere does a refug turn it down? ( 12 gallon nano, 17ish nitrate)
Yes Superglue is reefsafe as long as it's cyanoacrylate (sp)/

yikes... When is the last time you did a waterchange? How is your bio-load?
i do water changes everyweek, 2 gallons, a week. I have like 7 frags of softies and zoos, like 10 hermits, 2 turbos, 3 atreas, a cleaner shrimp, and a clown. Ya...i cant figure out why its so high.
i'd say do a 50% change, and its not specifically the refug that changes around that nitrate, but the plants. i have caulpera in my tank to do some exchanging, but i mainly like it for its color. if you don't like caulpera (its a little aggressive), find some cheato, but that usually does best in a refug. 17 is really high, something else is going on in that tank, it can't just be from a high load...anything die (or wen't missing) lately, or within the last few months?
hm....i cant think of anythign....i just have a 12gallon nano so...not sure. Mabye its, i have these small buglike little things in my tank, and small shrimps that i see died sometimes.
I really don't think 17 is that high for nitrates. JMO

I use super glue gel all the time in my display and in my frag tanks and it is perfectly safe. i do like to glue it outside of the tank and put it in after just for practical reasons.

Refugiums work by increasing your water vloume, and provide a place to grow different types of macro alages. Macro's compete for the same foods as micro algaes so they will help reduce the speed at which micro algae grows.

If you are intrested in using macro alages to lower your nitrates there are many available besides just the fast growing green grape caulphera and the slow brillo pad known as chaetomorpha. Red grape caulphera is very slow growing, and also is very pretty. You might also want to look at prolifera, which will grow on the sand and resemble a type of seagrass.

Since you are having water quality problems I would step up the water changes. Saltwater fish are not like freshwater and will not suffer from new water shock syndrome if the new water is temp and PH balanced.

Also if you have a nano what kind of filter are you runing and when was the last time you cleaned your bio ball area. Many of the cubes come with these little bioball compartments which should be cleaned at least once every two weeks. If you are running a biowheel, I would remove it.

But like I said, I don't think that 17 is really that high for nitRATES. JME
My chambers.....
1) All LR like 4lbs
2) LR and some LS and cermaic rings, and...this balck barbon stuff. Im looking to do a refug, with a palm light.With chaeto and so small green bubbles.
3) Orginal pump and heater, in main tank i have another power head.
My chambers.....
1) All LR like 4lbs
2) LR and some LS and cermaic rings, and...this balck barbon stuff. Im looking to do a refug, with a palm light.With chaeto and so small green bubbles.
3) Orginal pump and heater, in main tank i have another power head.