Superman monti or not?


New member
I bought a superman monti two days ago. At the place where I bought it from its colour was blue and red, it was under 20K MH. When I brought it home under my 10K MH it looked purple not the blue and red it once had. I think the purple is nice but that's not what I thought I was getting.

Is this a common thing to happens when it goes from being under one kelvin lamp to another? and will it regain its colour back?

Thanks :)

Here is a picture.
DId it happen as soon as you placed it in your tank. or did it change over time. If it happened as soon as you placed it in your tank its could be just the difference in lighting spectrum. But if it happened over time it could be that the actual color of the coral has changed. I have yet to see a coral go from one persons tank to anothers and look exactly the same. SPS can change color quite a bit, it change back ...or it might not. who knows.
Well lets tackle this question first

Is this a common thing to happens when it goes from being under one kelvin lamp to another?
Yes, this is so common that it's almost not funny :) Many aquatraders and the like keep things under 20000k bulbs, they aren't the best for growing conditions however they do make colors "pop" and corals will physically change colors, not to mention if this is a new shipment straight from the ocean they came from vastly different conditions (light, flow, nutrient levels) than the LFS's tank and your tank, so if you expect a coral to stay one particular color than you might be setting yourself up for disappointment

and will it regain its colour back?
Maybe. Being as you got this color a few days ago I'd say the reason for the color change happens to be the wavelength spread of your lights, in the same way some corals fluoresce under actinics if you get a coral from a tank like that and put it in a tank with no actinics there will be no fluoresce like it was. However blue really isn't a fluorescing color so this might just be stress of some sort, but 10kK bulbs do put out a bit more red/yellow than 20kK which is almost all blue/violets so what you see is simply what your lamps are doing. You can't put a red apple under a pure yellow lamp and expect it to still look red can you? So long story short, I think what you have here is what you should expect unless you switch to a bluer bulb.

That all being said, I don't think this is a "true" superman simply for the fact that stores are calling everything that is blue and has red polyps a "superman", although it does look like there's a couple green polyps mixed in, so you might tell everyone you have a green lantern & superman's love child coral! :D
sfsuphysics, lol lets hope not.

If you're talking about the green that appears on the very top of the coral it's the remainder of the LR that the coral is growing over. I don't see any green polyps on it. Or maybe it's my eyes playing tricks on me not wanting to see green :)

I talked to the person from whom I aquired the sps and he said that it is a superman monti but not the danae. I'm picking up a superman monti danae later on today. It will be interesting to see if it too will change colours.

Thanks for your comments :)
I spoke with the person from where I bought it and he said that he as well has found that his are turning purple. He telephoned the supplier and the supplier said that they could be batman montis.

Has anyone heard of batman montis? What ever it is I really like it and I'm very happy with it, but it would be nice to know the name.

did you really fall for the "batman montis"....come on now.....wake up and smell the roses....people will attach all kinds of names to corals and people are believing the [profanity] they are dishing out
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Looks like purple haze still very cool what ever you call it. This is some superman that I have hasn't changed yet.
he said that it is a superman monti but not the danae.

Which goes back to my original comment about everyone calling everything that's blue with red polyps a "superman" coral. Its not that I have any real issue with that, however if you are please fricking give the full name of the damn thing! If its a digitata, call it a superman Digitata, it's a peltiformis, then call it that, thats my one big pet peeve in this whole industry that's even greater than the whole "Limited Edition" "RARE!" etc thing, is that no one knows what the hell they are selling, Acropora sp. *groan*

Anyways, the green I was refering to is on the far right of the picture you posted, in two spots which look like polyps should be there, however the polyps are not red.
I think the hole thing with names are just to sell the coral, and if you like the way it looks who cares what it is called. :D
Come on guys give me a break, humm... sounds familiar. :) Even the best fall to pray and become victims.

He said he would take it back If I'm not happy with it, but I like it allot.
Can anyone tell the difference? One is from Ben T./Tubs and the other two are from Bali. I put them both in the tank this week.




t0mmy, I bet the ones from Tubs is the frag in the second pic.
Here's a couple pics of frags from my colony from Tubs.

On a new coral coming in, I'd say it would be hard to tell the difference especially when shipping is involved. The original could have undergone more stress and be more faded than the wilds/aquacultureds. However, over time from what I have seen the original "superman" tends to keep much better color, but there are some instances when the wilds/aquacultureds do remain just as colorful as the original.

With that being said don't buy a coral based on a name; buy it because you like it. I bought the superman over a year ago, and when I did I made sure it was the real thing for several reasons, none of which were just so I could say it was the real thing. My main reason was because the wilds/aquacultured were not as readily available as they are now and most corals with close to the red and blue coloration were going for just as much as the original. I had no problem with that as I just liked the coloration, but the more I looked into it the more I found most weren't really blue and red; they were similar but none quite the same and I saw it as a huge gamble to pay just as much to get something with orange polyps or a purple base, when I really wanted the vibrant red and blue. Just on an off chance I PMed a guy with a piece of the original and he said he had a piece; so I swallowed the price and bought it, and to this day I am glad I did as it is one of my favorite pieces.

If you got it at a good price (was it worth what you paid for it to you? If yes then you got a good price.) then you got a very nice piece for a good price. However, I would not call it a “superman” simply because the only coral deserving of that name in my opinion is the original piece (much like the other named corals, such as the purple monster).

Anyway if you’re looking for a piece of the real SM you should be able to find one for a relatively good price as it has come down quite a bit. I stick a $50 price tag on it simply because I don’t like selling individual corals (it’s hard for me to be home at a reasonable time), but a guy purchased a frag pack this week and walked away with each frag averaging about $20 (probably a little less) and one of the frags was the superman.

An older shot of mine: