Superman montipora care??


New member
Hi all, ive had a montipora frag for ages and it hasnt really done anything growth wise. Where is the best place to put it. The tank has 2x250w blv nepturion lamps 10k.

Thanks, Dave
I have had a similar situation with a sunset monti in my tank. My acros / millis grow well, but the sunset hasnt moved since I got it four months ago. It has great orange and green colors, just zero growth.
Some monti's sit for awhile before taking off. The SM and Sunset have been like that in the past for me, then go crazy. So long as you have good color and polyps displaying, give it a few more months.

My colonies will grow better under higher light and moderate flow, but ca/alk/mg levels also play a factor. Since I have been maintianing 450ca, 9-10dkh and 1450 Mg, they grow at a good clip. Some weeks I can see growth on the sunset on what seems to be a daily basis, other times it slows down, the spurts again.

I've also noticed that fragging helps growth too..
Some monti's sit for awhile before taking off. The SM and Sunset have been like that in the past for me, then go crazy. So long as you have good color and polyps displaying, give it a few more months.

My colonies will grow better under higher light and moderate flow, but ca/alk/mg levels also play a factor. Since I have been maintianing 450ca, 9-10dkh and 1450 Mg, they grow at a good clip. Some weeks I can see growth on the sunset on what seems to be a daily basis, other times it slows down, the spurts again.

I've also noticed that fragging helps growth too..

I've experienced the same as Dave. I currently have two colonies of SM in the same 75g under XM 250 MH 10Ks, one in higher light (16" under MH, mod flow, middle of the tank) and one in lower light (19" under MH, low flow, left side of the tank) and they actually grow at pretty close to the same rate. Not sure how long you have had it but as Dave suggested just give it more time.
+1 with dave, jdallred.

mine kinda chilled for a while and then took off! med water flow and its on the very bottom of my sand bed, bout the size of a football now! a superman and ive had it forever. watch for fish and crabs, i had a flame angel that used to pound it so the polyps stopped coming out for months til i vacated him. seemed like it stopped growing but later i realized it still grew but the polyps just stopped coming out.
If it's not growing and you've got it in enough light and flow, then you need to leave it alone and don't disturb it. IME corals sometimes are adapting to certain changes (not all corals at the same time either, and sometimes to things that are not detectable) like lighting, flow, chemistry, etc, etc. Once it's ready and settled it will start growing. Remember, changes in our tanks happen a lot, even in the most successful tanks.

I have a Cali tort that has not grown at all in 10 months. Just a couple of weeks ago it grew 1/2 inch, this is more than all of the growth in 10 months time. Everything else in the tank is growing out of control. But I left it alone and just waited, so now I think it will grow normally and hopefully as fast or faster than all my other acros.
This started out as a small piece now it has taken over this rock

This started out as a small piece now it has taken over this rock

I am trying to find if this indeed some type of mantaporia when I started my tank about a year ago this was probably the smallest piece of coral to be honest I wasn't sure if it was even coral but after looking into it more and more I think it some sort of mantaporia the color is orangish and purple can some one please help me and is it a good piece ?


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I am trying to find if this indeed some type of mantaporia when I started my tank about a year ago this was probably the smallest piece of coral to be honest I wasn't sure if it was even coral but after looking into it more and more I think it some sort of mantaporia the color is orangish and purple can some one please help me and is it a good piece ?

Looks like Cyphastrea.