Superman montipora turning white...too much light?

Did you acclimate it to your lighting? My superman sits about 12 inches under a 400w Hammy 14k and is doing great.
I have seen superman monti's directly under 400 watt 10K bulbs that looked excellent.

If it's turning white, my guess is that there is something else going on...

Possibly monti eating nudibranch..?
mine turned white... (well, brown first)... it was because a prostrata base was growing into an edge of the superman i couldnt readily see. I have since seperated them and the superman is coming back.

Not that this directly applies, but there is hope.
I've found mine to be the canary in the coal mine for toxicity. I dropped a plated hook in the tank and did not know it. It started to recede. I had a bad R/O filter. It started to recede. I've found myself that they seem to like the bottom of my tank. I killed one by having it up too high. Mine is on the bottom of a 25" tank under 400w Radium hqis
From what I've herd & my own personal experience... a Superman from the original colony will do great in any lighting. Most of the recent wild imports will turn purple or white in time.

How long have you had it? do you know for a fact what its liniage is?
You also might want to consider Monti eating nudibranches. There's alot of threads about this pest. Good luck.
Is it new? was it brown? My small frag I recieved recently was very browned and was told to place it high and did so......
It turned bone white on its way to blue.....I was just about to move it when I thought about it and came to the conclusion that that is what it would do.....I gambled with it and left it, and sure enough it turned to a blueish tinge a week later and is growing like a weed.
i have my fake superman monti frag that was doing fine for months then all of a sudden started to get white around the edges, I'm unsure what caused it but first thing I did was put it lower in the tank, although I'm wondering if I should inspect/dip for monti-nudis but I don't know what the damage from them looks like.
That's what I had exactly, my superman was white on the edges with a bit of detritious\dust\baby monti-eating nudis...a bit different then growth white clean edges (where's there's no dusty edges). I have a pic somewhere if you want I can post it. I had to frag my superman into two pieces...the side that was eaten by nudis never made it.

My monti-eating nudi issue went away when I got a six-line wrasse.