Supplemental Food for Corals


Premium Member
Does anyone feed there SPS with DT Phyto? Is there a noticable benefit to using this. And if so, how often do you feed the green juice to your coral inhabitants?
I feed my sps with cyclopeeze after my lights go off.

I don't know whether or not sps feeds off of DT, but DT is beneficial for the pods, which is something that corals feed on.
Most studies show minimal effect from phyto...feed it to your rotifers if you feed live food then feed the rotis to the corals...cyclopleeze is a very good option also. I am going to try DT's oyester eggs soon as they arrive have heard good things about it also.
Well I have Cyclopeeze and use this on occasion to feed my smaller fish. They really go nuts when this stuff is in the water column.

How frequently do you feed cyclopeeze to your corals?
I feed every night about 4 hours after the lights go out..... I was the big advocate on fish poop and light but since I started using cyclopleeze my coral polyps are 2-3x fuzzier and more extended. I am very happy with this product.....will be adding DT's oyster eggs when they arrive alternating every other day.
iF YOU DONT HAVE clams you dont necesarily need phyto. You need zooplankton, via cyclopeeze, sweetwater zooplankton, refugium .... Oyster eggs will work, but would use this here and there between the cyclopeeze and refugia.... a good supplement but not a staple

enrich with some vitachem, selcon, zoe