Surface scum driving me crazy


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Does anybody know where I might be able to get a flow direction piece for a 1/4" mouth on a powerhead?
i was in to pet supply center last week and they have a small rotating head to fit a small powerhead. it is probably 1/4". it's on the slef in the back corner just before you go through the doors to the saltwater side of the fish area.
Yeah I have seen those. I might check into them. I was really just wanting one of those clip on things that you can lift up and down or side to side. You know what I mean? Looks like a paddle.
also, there is a skimming attachment available for the aquaclear 500 hob filter. not sure what your filtration system is, but it might be something to consider for a 10g. you could use the chamber to house liverock for a small fuge area for pods.
I have a hang on back fuge. I have a current nano skimmer in there. in my tank I have a mini powerhead but my water surface is almost smooth as glass. Very little movement, so the oil slick is building up. I just want something to direct my powerhead flow up to give aggitation to the surface and break the film up so it can be sucked into the fuge for the skimmer.
oh!!!! so you just need a nozzle.

i have something you can use.

busy around 3:30 today? wanna come get it?
I have a full day today so I can't make it today. I have Thursday free after 9:30am. I could come by anytime Thursday. Just send me a PM with your address.
how is the nano skimmer being fed?

just thinking most try to get an overflow feed from the
surface explicitly to draw in this surface scum, but I
don't know my way around the nano world.
The skimmer has a mini powerhead that sits under it. No way to hook up a surface skimmer it that goes over tank and down into the fuge.
Yep this is exactly why people use an overflow :p. Is there any way you can position the pump so that it draws from the surface or close to it? I know some people do this in thier sumps to get more concentrated protiens as well.
you could always buy 2 90 degree pvc pieces and some short lengts of pvc and make your own surface skimmer to hook up to your hang on back, thats what ive done in the past for my 5.5 and bravo did for his minibow 7.