Surviving so Far.


Active member
So far I am surviving the power outage. No power at my place from Sunday at 3:25 PM to at least this morning.

Running two Battery Backups and two MP60's on the 310 gallon. These battery backups lasted me 36 hours. recharged them Tuesday at a friend's place that does have power and got them up and running again on Wednesday.

Also running three Air bubblers on two D sized batteries.

I made sure to move my ecotech pumps closer to the surface to provide some surface agitation. Not sure that's needed with the bubblers but if it works I aint gonna mess with it.

The 150 has one battery backup running one MP40. Also lasted 36 hours. Recharged with the 300's batteries and it's up and running again. Running two bubblers.

New Batteries in the bubblers are lasting me somewhere around 72 hours. Your mileage may vary with older batteries.

I drastically altered my feeding. Sunday night I stopped all feedings. The tanks got nothing on Monday. Tuesday I started feeding a little bit of Daichini Baby pellets and one cube of Mysis. Now they are getting a little Daichini twice a day and a sunset feeding of one mysis cube.

the 150 is only getting a dash of daichini once a day.

The Corals might not make it. The anemone looks ****ed off - closed up and moving around a bit. But the fish seem to be making it.

Stock List 300: Copperband, Tomini Tang, Blue Hippo Tang, Desjardin Tang, 7 Anthias, 2 Barrier reef chromis, two firefish, one bangaii, two clowns.

Stock List 150: two clowns and one purple tang.
Ted, if you are able and willing to make the trip to Valrico my 125 is nearly empty, as we transferred everything offaite prior to the storm.
I know its not mine but I got power back the other day and have a generator that sirrealism let me use I don't need anymore. I'm sure he will let you use it.
I'm thinking... I'm 96 hours into this. If I would have lost anything, I would have lost it by now. I must be doing something right

Time will tell with the zoas and sps. I don't have high hopes but everything was fairly newly added. So I'm not upset as much if they don't make it.
I would expect the zoas to be fine, they tend to just close up when water conditions get rough. The SPS might get shocked by the lights when power is restored, so it might be worth considering some sort of acclimation program since they will already presumably be somewhat stressed from the ordeal.
I'm thinking about possibly buying a Honda eu7000 with the natural gas conversion kit. I'll be pushing the limits of my natural gas feed out back: 1/2 pipe is only capable of 75k btu and that needs 86k btu. It might work.

If not, I'll be running some bigger pipe.
Wasn't there a Honda generator dealer on gulf to Bay? I don't see it showing up on Google maps anymore. Anyne know of any Honda generator dealrs in the area?
104 hours now. Bubblers are burning through batteries. re-charging the ecotechs throughout the day today. Still no power.

I took some water out of the sump into the display to skim off some of the organics collecting at the surface.

Temps are still holding ok. not perfect. i measured wednesday and I was running low (76.8 in the 300, 78 in the 150 normally 78.5 in the 300 and 79.3 in the 150). Yesterday it was a bit warmer. 79 in the 300 and 80 in the 150. It does seem to cool down at night a bit.
you know I got a generator sitting here in the garage collecting dust you should ask sirrealism its like 5500 it will power everything on your tank and than some.
Still no power here since the night of the storm. We didn't stay at the house because of a large oak tree we thought might fall (luckily it didn't). I left a pump suctioned to the glass that runs off a car battery so I just left that running all night. Then the next day hooked the tank up to the generator running the return pump and a powerhead as well as a portable ac unit once it started heating up. I'm guessing I can run like this indefinitely but the power trucks are in the neighborhood now. Only loss so far is the tips of some acros that came above the waterline the first night.
No internet. I lost my server (not due to anything w the Storm, it was just old - it always had troubles overheating and it just gave up). Backup files should all be good though
Wow. With the lights on... Wow.

Nothing like a forced 5 day semi-blackout and lowered feedings to beat all those nuisance algaes. Both tanks dont have a touch of Cyano.

This could be good and bad. good because the tanks look awesome right now. Bad because an absence of cyano or green hair or bubble means Dinos could take hold and thrive.
Glad you made it through. We just got our power back yesterday. It was a rough week of trying to rotate between lights, pumps, or the fridge, to keep within the capabilities of the generator.

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Whew! I guess one of the mexican Turbos in my 150 did not make it. Stinky!!!

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