hahaha I feel SPECIAL ohhh... (me blushing now)
I don't recommend tangs in tanks under 90 gallons...
the dwarf angel would be fine (I'm still blushing)
and a few smaller fish: gobies, wrasses (I had a trio of flashers in my 55, with a pair of clowns and a goby) heres another plug for leaf-fish if you can feed live foods... if you want color, flashers are AWESOME!!!! oh, blennies are great too. (ok, stopped blushing, thinking now)
to me, less is best: one 'medium' sized fish-the angel... if you REALLY want a tang, look for an angel that looks like a tang
the lemonpeel looks just like a yellow tang, if you have a pocketbook, the golden looks like a kole tang. you can get quite inventive!!!
jawfish re awesome, if you have a sandbed at least 2 inches... I just lost mine, due to who knows what...
if your not doing a reef, or want one really interesting fish, you can even look into a eel!!! a dwarf lionfish would be fun, I don't know if the dwarf angel would pick on it or not... but it would take up the space left by NOT HAVING a tang. but that would limit you on what else you can keep in there: nothing smaller than 4 inches or so...
you asked too big of a question.