SWFMAS Website


Premium Member
Everyone I just wanted to let you know we now have our very own website! It is not much to look at right at the moment but it is there. Please bear with me while I try and create something decent. My plan is to have a forum on there as well that way we can post back and forth for whatever. I may possibly have this up and running today at some point. Any and all critique is welcome. If you have an idea of something you would like let me know and I will try and get it done. This is for ALL of us so give some input.

The web address is www.swfmas.com
Cool! Not sure what kind of forum that is but might I suggest Snitz Forums 2000.


It's free, easy to install, and fairly easy to mod. I have been working on my site for sometime with it but gotten quite lazy for the last month or so.
John I would like to talk to you about Snitz. Maybe you can give me some insight about it. The forum I currently have on there is just temporary and actually does not wrok very well right at the moment. I have been busy the past couple days and have not had much time to wrok on this.
Sure let me know when would be good for you. I will probably be in the store this week sometime not sure, or we can do it over the net. The wife is out of town the rest of the week so whatever works for you.:D
John if you are coming over to the shop we can talk there. I will be leaving Friday for SaltwaterU in Atlanta but will be back on Tuesday.