T-5's and sps


New member
Any one out there funning a full blown SPS tank only using T-5s any links or pics would be great thanks cb
That link to the T5 only lit tank is amazing, Danao tank is also amazing.

I have a question regarding HO t5's. Would I be limited to where I can put my SPS in my tank?( see sig for detail on tank). Would I have to put them in the upper half of the tank? id like to keep sps and clams near the bottom if possible as well as the upper part of the tank.

My bulb combo is gunna be either...

5 x blueplus
3 x aquablues


6 x blueplus
2 x aquablues
yeah I know that you can keep sps with T5's. My question is with placement. Can I keep SPS anywhere in my tank and still have enough light for them?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7158319#post7158319 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by s3aL
id like to keep sps and clams near the bottom if possible as well as the upper part of the tank.

My bulb combo is gunna be either...

5 x blueplus
3 x aquablues


6 x blueplus
2 x aquablues

Since your leaning more towards the blue+(Im assuming for aesthetics) you may be limited on how low you can get some sps and maintain there coloration and or growth. Theres no sure fire formula for this, but I would recommend you bump up there flow if you lower there light position, kind of a tit for tat thing. I myself have
3 10k
1 GE 6500k
2 blu+
You can see Im leaning toward more of the 'white' side,and by accident due to lack of room on my rockwork at the time found that indeed I can keep and grow sps successfully on the sandbed of my 20" deep tank. Just something to think about.

Yeah, I like the deep blue look. I love the look that 20k XM MH bulbs give off so im trying to create that color.

But I also read that the blueplus bulbs PAR ratings are almost idenical to the 11k aquaplus bulbs. I figured with a 8 bulb fixture id have enough light near the sandbed regardless what bulb combos I use (minus the actinic bulb which has crappy PAR).
ya 8 bulbs is alot for a 75 w/ 18" width. WIth good water You should be able to keep SPS and clams on the sandbed.

I have a 55g w/ 4 x 54watt bulbs. 2 aquablue and 2 blue+. Check out my www for a pic.
what is the general rune of thumb for watts per gallon when using T-5's seems like most people are using 3-5 wpg

cam barr
what system are you using jocko retrofit or pendent and also what bulbs are you using. Post pics if you have em

hey s3al.

i'm setting up a t5 sps tank as well.. where are you reading about the blue+ and aquablue's having the same par? i'd like to read up on it as well.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7165738#post7165738 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Large Polyp Dave
hey s3al.

i'm setting up a t5 sps tank as well.. where are you reading about the blue+ and aquablue's having the same par? i'd like to read up on it as well.

I couldnt tell you which exact thread it was. I searched "Tek T5" and came across like 100 different threads lol. I went though abunch of them and got some good useful info on T5's. If I do come across it again ill be sure to post the link. Might have been "Grimreefer" who tested it.
I keep lots of SPS, montis, millies, stylos, acros, etc, nothing too difficult though under all PC lighting. I also haven't changed my bulbs in gasp.... about 2 years. I only drip kalk for supplements. Everything grows great. The only thing that makes my system special possibly is that I have 644W of PC over a 72G. I do keep most of the SPS up near the top for what it is worth. T5's can definatley handle some SPS near the top. I'm actually considering seriously switching over to T5's also.

good luck
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7166254#post7166254 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by s3aL
I couldnt tell you which exact thread it was. I searched "Tek T5" and came across like 100 different threads lol. I went though abunch of them and got some good useful info on T5's. If I do come across it again ill be sure to post the link. Might have been "Grimreefer" who tested it.

Thanks seal..

That would be VERY nice if that's the case.

I wanted more blue in the aquarium but i was afraid of sacrificing par...but if it's similar par that would be awesome

Does anyone know more information about this?...