T5, globe combinations and how well will it work?


New member
I've just ordered a 6 globe ho, t5 fixture, will this be strong enough
To grow sps in my 4x2x2 tank? Also what globe combos should I use?
Thanks in advance, reef central is my source for trusted information.

The main reason I did this is because I cannot afford higher end leds,
The shadowing effect of LEDs and the ones I have are not strong enough.
Globe Ho? Are you meaning 6 Bulb High Output?

I run a 6 Bulb T5's over my 120 SPS tank right now. Of course it will be enough, especially since my tank is Eurobraced and an 8 Bulb would be wasted light.

You don't need high end LED's. However they're a bit expensive since you need MORE units to light a tank, especially SPS. I just came from LED's with amazing success once again using Hydra 26HD's. Of course I had the same great success with my last 6 Bulb ATI fixture on my other tank.

Only reason I went T5's again is cost of the used fixture opposed to cost over LED's like yourself.

However you're not benefitting or losing anything by using T5's over LED. While they both work they both have their equal pros and cons.

If your T5 fixture has good ballasts, reflectors, and cools well, you will be totally fine for SPS all over your tank.

For Bulb combo, I've used 50% Blue Plus and 50% Coral Plus in the past with good success, Big E's highly recommended combo.
Right now I'm using what the fixture came with, which is 3 Blue Plus, 2 Coral Plus, 1 Aquable Special.
I will likely stick with the combo as I do enjoy more of the "natural" color with all T5's on.

Whag brand T5 do you have?
Thank you very much, yes I did mean high output :), the brand is called
Octopus horizon, I couldn't pass up on the price!
LED are no upgrade over a 6 bulb T5 unit. Get good bulbs. 3 ATI Coral Plus and 3 ATI Blue Plus is a good place to start.
T5 is a great light source. The one that you bought is not best of breed and won't drive the lights like some of the best, but it should get you quite a long way. If you decide that you like reefing and having T5s as a light source, then you can always buy something better later on that might last a decade. This is a good choice to start with, though, IMO.
I had a 30 gallon cube running two ai primes and it grew my sps coral like weeds
Unfortunately on my 4x2x2 tank the par I get from these lights at 100% is under 200,
So I thought I'd try something I'd afford, ati 6 globe light fixtures are over 1.5k here.
It is a good plan. If you love the T5s, then just look for a used ATI, AquaMedic, Giesmann, Sfilgoi, or the like. One will come up for half of that if you have a few years to wait and don't really need it... and full retail if you need it now. :)