T5 life.

Just add a pair of giesmann razors 2x54to my 110 a few weeks ago. Had to, my reef breeder leds wouldn't grow anything.
Right now there on from noon to 5. The leds are dusk to dawn on less than half power.
I am very curious what other people with t5 are running with suscess.

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I run mine from 1000-2300 [emoji57]but all bulbs at 100% from 1130-1930
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Sorry for not being clear:) How many months do you run them before replacing them?
I've heard it depends on the fixtures you are using. For those with active cooling like ATI's you can run them 10-12 months. I probably would begin to replace after 10 though. Remember not to replace them all at once, it can shock your livestock.
A general rule is 10-12 months for actinic and blue bulbs. Daylights can go longer.

However, that's assuming a 10-12 hour photo period. If yours only run for like 6 hours a day, I can see 18-20 months.

That's for properly cooled bulbs. If they aren't cooled, cut those in half easily.
I also usually replace every 9 to 10 months, but won't suggest change all in once. I replace two per week and took four weeks to replace all 8 tubes. Sometimes even two tubes per couple weeks.
I run 2 dimmable ati fixtures and replace bulbs every 12 months.
Raise the fixture a few inches and change all bulbs at once.
I think hours is a better measure. I go about 1650 hours. That's about 12 months at 4.5 hours a day. It's an ATI hybrid.