Taking salt water from the sea


New member
Now I go and buy natural sea water from the sea. I was wondering what I would need and how I can get it myself.

Do I need a boat? Can I take if from the shore? Where is a good place?

So I guess...Where? How? When? Is it worth it?
I have done it lots of times, always from a boat and far from shore. I wouldn't get anything from the beach, unless maybe during the last phase of the incoming tide at any of the inlets, that water is usually clean (thats what the local water truck does).
You dont really want to get it from the shore or the bay or canals. If you really want to do it I would say get a boat go out to about 100-200ft turn of the motors and drift a little to get away from the gas then collect it. But if you think about it in the end it will cost about the same as buying it.
I get mine from Hillsboro inlet every two weeks. And while I'm there, I usually see the commercial trucks that sell it to the stores pumping into their tanks.

When gas prices were lower, I would go offshore to get it but I have found that on a strong incoming tide it's just as good at the inlet. I stay away from doing it on the weekend when there is alot of boat traffic and more pollutants there.

Since I live close to the inlet, it's worth it to me. Since you're in Davie, you would have to weigh the expense and time for you to head east.
i collect my own water, but i make it worthwhile as i would venture to take my boat out and have some fun already to begin with.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11490728#post11490728 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sonic
during the last phase of the incoming tide at any of the inlets, that water is usually clean (thats what the local water truck does).

That is the way to go
Steve an inlet is were the ocean meets with the intra-costal, there are several inlets Haulover's cut, Governors cut, port everglades, Hillsboro.
Although I've never done it nor I am telling you to do it, I once heard from Julian Sprung that he gets his water for his tank directly from the beach and he didn't necessarily wait for the tide to be incoming. Go figure :D
lots of people get NSW from the beach with success- for all u know lots of delivery services do the same.

I would only stay away from canals and docks. IME the rest is fine

I've never ever over 15-20 years used anything but NSW
i get mine from the beach half way through on incoming tide and preferably at night. i find when i pull at night i get a lot of extra marine life in the water like shrimp.