Tang combination?


New member
Hello y’all,
Was wondering what tang combinations have you guys had with no aggression that I may try to replicate? I was thinking purple and kole tang? Let me know what has worked in the past for you guys and what you think of that combo! Thanks!
You should be able to mix those two without concern. You may not be able to mix two Acanthuridae. But I've had a few different combinations of Acanthurus and Ctenochaetus over the years in various tanks. The larger the aquarium the less issue you should have as well. Best of luck!
Tank size is most important factor here. How bid is your tank and what do you have in it?
Exactly, what size is your tank? @Dr. Reef might have some good suggestions and you can get quarantined tangs from him ;)
I’m not currently going to do it with my aquarium as I only have a 55gal currently and is too small but I’m just asking for future endeavors for larger aquariums that would be built around the tang pairing!
Tank size is most important factor here. How bid is your tank and what do you have in it?
Exactly, what size is your tank? @Dr. Reef might have some good suggestions and you can get quarantined tangs from him ;)
I’m not currently going to do it with my aquarium as I only have a 55gal currently and is too small but I’m just asking for future endeavors for larger aquariums that would be built around the tang pairing!
You should be able to mix those two without concern. You may not be able to mix two Acanthuridae. But I've had a few different combinations of Acanthurus and Ctenochaetus over the years in various tanks. The larger the aquarium the less issue you should have as well. Best of luck!
Thank you for your helpful input I hope to have a big enough aquarium in the next year or so to do my tang pairing idea and build the tank and stocking around them as right now my tank is too small!
If you have a large tank almost any combination will work but I never keep any of the ultra aggressive and large tang like Sohal or Clown tangs.
It is best to add the when they are small and at a relatively the same period if time. As long as they are young and go in relatively same few months you will not have problem.
The problem is in mature tangs establish for years then add young tangs to the system. That is when I have problems, but even that, not too much if they are not too crowned.

The obvious question here is “How large is large?” I would say 240+
If you have a large tank almost any combination will work but I never keep any of the ultra aggressive and large tang like Sohal or Clown tangs.
It is best to add the when they are small and at a relatively the same period if time. As long as they are young and go in relatively same few months you will not have problem.
The problem is in mature tangs establish for years then add young tangs to the system. That is when I have problems, but even that, not too much if they are not too crowned.

The obvious question here is “How large is large?” I would say 240+
Thank you that is very, very helpful!
I agree with the comments of other readers here. I’d add, having lots of hiding places in your aquascape for smaller tangs to hide is another good thing to do when mixing different types of tangs, and keeping them well fed will also tone down aggression. Tangs get more aggressive when they are under fed as this tends to create more competition between them for food.
You can definitely mix larger more aggressive tangs! Raising them together does help or adding groups together at a time. I’ve had long term success with many tangs together. Rule of thumb when introducing tangs if you want a group to add that group at the same time and it’s always better if they’re juveniles! There’s a 12” sohol, 12 inch naso and a 8” hippo tang in there.


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