Tang Combo...any cautions?


Premium Member
I have 3 tangs on my fish list and I want to see if any of you have any experience with them together or even as individuals. I would like to add them as small/medium fish all at the same time. They will be going in my 210.

Current Fish -

Coral Beauty
3 false percs
2 blue/green chromis
4 Lyretail Anthias

I would like to add these..

Achilles Tang
Orange Shoulder Tang
Convict Tang


I have 4 tangs, 3 yellow and a hippo, i say go for it, just keep an eye out for the tang police. I dont' think you will have a problem as long as you add them at the same time.
Id say just go with two of them if i was you. That would be about 100 g's per fish which you wouldnt likely see as much harrassment, but 70g per fish is tight if you want to keep them for years, but it is definitely doable.
I have an orange shoulder with a convict and they could couldnt care less about each other. They are also in with a dussimier, naso, vlamingi, mimic, and a PBT in a 300g I would think you would be fine with all 3.
Going with 3 tang in that size tank shouldn't be a problem. The Orange Shoulder tang should be fine the Convict tang usually comes in, from shipping, not the best of conditions and it is usually pretty thin and banged up. If you get one Quaratine it for a while longer than normal and get it's weight back up. The Achilles Tang aren't the easiest to keep as they're very skiddish and come down with ich quite often. They have a bad track record and need a lot of space and clean moving water. Unless you have a lot of exprecience you should probably pick another tang to add.
I have a Yellow tang, Hippo, and a Orange Shoulder in a 180 without any problems. Although the Hippo does a spawning dance with the YT every now and then....Strange indeed.
